Behavior You Should Avoid When Investing

According to studies, financial plans are among the most important decisions people make, influencing their cognitive processes and behavior, and causing them to make unsound investment decisions when so compelled by circumstances. To become more rational and avoid the adverse effects of making hasty decisions based on momentary compulsions, read along and see what behaviors should be watched out for when making an investment.

Behaviors to Avoid


 According to studies, the more people exhibit overconfidence, the more likely they are to make less accurate investment decisions as they overestimate the precision of their knowledge. This phenomenon is influenced by various factors, such as using selective information searching strategies and by imperfections in learning. In the long run, this may cause them to trade too often or at the wrong time due to their belief that they are experts when they, in fact, are not. This may also result in getting exposed to too much risk, as overconfident investors fail to see the limitations and risk tolerance of their assets.

  • Chasing Trends

 Financial products and investment options often disclaim that past performances are not indicative of future results. However, most investors think that by studying past market trends, they can predict the future. In fact, one study found that 39% of all new assets committed to mutual funds went into the 10% of funds with the best performance the prior year, clearly showing how most investors act on patterns despite knowing that prices tend to fluctuate from time to time. This may cause them to miss out on rising market trends that are likely to become more profitable in the future.

  • Using Limited Knowledge

 According to economist and psychologist Herbert Simon, humans are constrained by “bounded rationality,” a theory that demonstrates how they make decisions based on the limited knowledge they have. For example, people would rather consider options that come to their knowledge through social media and websites, rather than do their own research. This mindset, when adhered to by investors, may cause them to make decisions which are satisfactory rather than efficient. In the long run, this may result in their failure to recognize more effective trading opportunities.

  • Herding

 Studies show that individuals frequently imitate each other in social situations. This is especially true for investors, some of whom tend to join in the investing behaviors of others even if it means selling low or buying high. This may cause them losses instead of gains, and, in the long run, make them dependent on the decisions of other investors they perceive to be successful regardless of the differences in their risk tolerance and the amount of their assets.

  Make Sound Decisions

 Now knowing the behaviors you need to avoid when investing, the most crucial undertaking you need to make next is to seek the help and assistance of experts at financial investment firms in order to gain a wider understanding as to how you can make your investments work the best way possible for higher returns. Reach out to AIX Investment, one of the top investment companies in the UAE, to find out more.